All of my blog posts

Things I enjoyed in 2024
My take on that popular youtuber/internet personality trope where they list the games/movies/etc. they liked the most during the year. Mar 5, 2025
Using Joplin to publish a wiki
Recently I've been on an adventure to find a note-taking app that allows me to publish my notes as a personal wiki. I've ended up choosing Joplin. Dec 5, 2024
Unit Testing Using CMocka
[CMocka]( is a unit testing framework for code in C. It was designed to support all platforms that C runs on (including embedded systems). Its feature set includes: - Function mocking. - Test setup/teardown routines. - Exception handling for signals, e.g., SIGSEGV, SIGILL, etc. - Simple light-weight memory leak, buffer overflow, and buffer underflow detection. You can find the full documentation of CMocka API [here]( Nov 21, 2024
Short overview of Unit Testing tools in C
Recently I've been tasked with choosing a Unit Testing framework for a new project at work. Having only used proprietary test harnesses in C before, this was an opportunity to see what's out there. TL;DR we ended up going with [CMocka]( Oct 31, 2024
Signing commits in git
Quick PSA about signing git commits. May 10, 2022
uKernel DevLog #2
I'm currently enrolled in a class about embedded and real-time systems. For this class's final project, I'm developing a real-time kernel for [Arduino UNO]( I'll try to document the development in a series of posts. This is part #2. May 9, 2022
uKernel DevLog #1
I'm currently enrolled in a class about embedded and real-time systems. For this class's final project, I'm developing a real-time kernel for [Arduino UNO]( I'll try to document the development in a series of posts. This is part #1. May 2, 2022
The recipe for my favorite cake
A super simple cake recipe that grandmother taught me and I love. Jan 3, 2021
Developing a skill for Mycroft
On my previous post (the one about Ubuntu and my school exam day), I briefly mentioned that I created a small skill for the Mycroft A.I. assistant ( Let's talk about that. Dec 2, 2020
Github, ssh keys and 2FA
I recently found myself setting up 2FA on my GitHub account and for that I started using the **ssh protocol** instead of the default **https protocol**. This is a quick guide explaining how and why you'd want to do that too. Sep 3, 2020
Draw UML diagrams with PlantUML
The second semester is starting and I now have a Data-Bases class (will refer to it as BDAD from here on). In this class we're making heavy use of [UML](, more specifically [UML class diagrams]( I am using PlantUML for that, so I'll talk about it and why I chose it. Feb 20, 2020
Estória vs. história
A story about the two Portuguese words: *estória* and *história*. Feb 3, 2020
How I created this web page
The blog is quickly approaching what I want it to be, so I can finally write actual blog posts. So why not start by talking about how this page came to be and how you can create a similar one. Jan 30, 2020
First Post
Just a few tests to check site component's functionality. Jan 21, 2020